Homeopathic Remedies for the home
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which assists the natural capacity of the body to heal itself.
Whats included? In your kit you have 25 of the most important homeopathic remedies for first aid prescribing at home. These individual liquid remedies have been created as Fibonacci homochords – which means they combine 10 centesimal potencies in the Fibonacci sequence including 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and 233. We find these remedies incredibly powerful as the body takes the frequency that it needs from the homochord to stimulate the healing response.
You receive a reference booklet to assist you in prescribing the remedy that best fits the symptom picture.
The remedies are come in a wooden storage box. I suggest you store them away from wifi and out of direct sunlight.
Remedies included: 15ml liquid of - Arnica, aconite, Arsenicum Album, Apis, Allium Cepa, Belladona, Bryonia, Cantharis, Chamomilla, Cacculus, Coffea Cruda, Colocynthis, Ferrum Phos, Gelsenium, Hepar Sulph, Hypericum, Ipecacuanha, Ignatia, Ledum, Merc Sol, Nux Vom, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Staphysagria.
What can these remedies treat: Accidents, injuries, Bites, stings, Birth and postpartum, Burns, colds and flu’s, cuts, uti’s, Dental complaints, eye and ear conditions, digestive issues, hay fever, headaches, mental and emotional states, skin conditions, sleeplessness, grief and more.
You will get a free 15 min introduction zoom call to get you familiar with the remedies.
Prompt homeopathic care can help assist your body to recover naturally.
Homeopathic First Aid Kits are $350
Email me to order your kit
“Yesterday I received my amazing homeopathy kit from widely well. The kit is absolutely stunning you can feel how much love is put in to each kit. The book is absolutely amazing. I have used homeopathy for over 13 years and had many kits. A few weeks ago I ordered some individual remedy from Sherrin Woods that we use for my boys growing pains. Normally they would need doses every four hours during the night with these amazing ones the boys had a few doses before bed and slept the whole night. My boys now only want sherrin homeopathy.
If you have been looking for a perfect kit then this one is for you. ”